Sunday, January 26, 2014

So...The day has come that I have finally set up a blog! Yay! I have been asked repeatedly to start one for my photography so I decided I might as well give it a try so no judging..I'm not quite sure what I am doing. But, to start off I will tell you a little about myself and what I imagine my blog will be like. 
I am no crazy professional photographer. Lets get that straight now. Hah. But I have been very passionate about it for my entire life from seeing my aunt Laurel who is a professional photographer. But, I am just learning and hopefully someday WILL be a photographer, blogger or whatever. And don't take that the wrong way..If you want me to take your photos I would love to! Im just no professional. I love taking photos for people because it captures the happiest moments that we get to keep forever. But I do not believe in taking my camera to EVERY SINGLE PLACE and never putting it down. Sometimes it's better to just enjoy the moment than to stress about getting the perfect photo... sound familiar? ( If you haven't seen the secret life of walter mitty...GO NOW) I loved the scene where the photographer had a perfect shot of a snow lepard but decided to not take it and just enjoy it and soak it all in. We all need that once in a while. My biggest pet peeve is when you can tell that some bloggers or friends post an insanely good photo of them every day and it looks like they are having so much fun...but were they really having fun or just posing for a stinkin photo.. ( We all do it don't worry) Anyways, I want my blog to show my photography yes, but I also want to post about fashion, life, family, church etc etc. So I can't really put my blog into one catagorie. I kind of have a bipolar personality...There isn't just one catagorie of interest. I hope to inspire people but most of all I just have fun with it. I finally decided to make a blog because I am TERRIBLE at writing in a journal..  I want to write about life on my blog so that I can keep a record of my life so that I can look back on it and show my family..So you could say a different type of a journal. Except the good personal stuff will be left out..sorry ;). Last thing...You may be wondering why I named the blog Elegant Klutz.. Well lets just say if you met me you would understand. I have had that nickname since I was in gymnastics and dance when I was little.. I am piggeon toed so I use to stumble a lot ..USE TO..and yes I walk funny..but people think it's funny that I am a graceful dancer so I guess I am elegant..but a klutz. I am still wondering how I pulled off being a dancer.. I was having such a hard time naming my blog because, like I said, it isn't about one particular thing... And my name ( Ashley Springer) Doesn't really fit well with anything I have realized.. I decided that photography will be a big part of the blog but there is not good name with my photography..I have tried EVERYTHING.. Ashley Springer Photography..that just does not flow you know what I mean? I like my name but it has a weird sound hah. (So the photography part is nameless..You can just ask me to take photos..I will work on a name). So I just said what the heck might as well embrace it and call it Elegant Klutz..besides the name is suppose to describe you and have some meaning to it. So there ya go! Enjoy the blog!

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