Thursday, April 10, 2014

Crazy Rabid Birds

Birds... I HATE Birds... And I must have some pretty bad carma because I always have the worst experience with birds.

So today I had quite the experience and I am not sure where to start...

I just got back from work and was eating some food...looking at know the usual. Then I start to hear...

The Chirping...

If you know me I cannot stand tiny little noises.. They just bug me. And at first this just sounded like our annoying fire alarm when it needs new batteries so I tried my best to ignore it...

Then my mom comes in and asks me if I hear the  chirping too and I told her that if was the fire alarm and even said, " Or a bird is in the house."

Hahaha knock on wood..

So my mom, as annoyed as I am, goes and tries to find which alarm it is so that she can change the batteries and all of the sudden I hear her screaming and yelling, " ASHLEY! OH MY GOSH! IT'S A BIRDDD!"

No... Not that..Then I asked the dreaded question..

"In my room..?"


Oh my gosh. Why. This would happen! And I know anyone reading this is probably just thinking, " Aw it's a cute bird it's okay just catch it!" Or at least my sis Carly would because she is so good with animals and keeping calm in situations like these..Im jealous of her..Because in that moment I forgot the whole gizelle or snow white animal lover heart and grabbed a stick and ran to my room..

When I got there it was a DISASTER. Feathers everywhere, bird poop everywhere, and the creepy beady eyed bird...

It was flying everywhere, touching everything and even grabbed something of mine in its mouth.

At first we tried to remain calm ( Mom just laughing her head off at me ) but then it decided to tick me off...

It went into my closet...

NO..NO...NOOO! I grabbed my boot and was lashing it everywhere as this bird was flying all around me and chirping and grabbing clothes and going bizurk... It was a civil war in the closet. With a bird.

And then I had an idea...There was no way I was getting this bird out without some help...I needed my noble Panther..RUE. My cat Rue is so gentle I thought she would maybe just help me get it out the window! So I called for rue and she came running like a good kitty and I locked me, Rue, and the thing in my room..

Not the brightest idea I admit.

So now we have me screaming, rue ( Huge eyes, claws out, panther mode) chasing a bird, and the bird freaking out over my head. Rue caught the bird and then I remembered what Gizelle or Snow White would do and I decided to be a good person and grab Rue and get her off the bird.

This wasn't working.

Finally.. ( A Brighter Idea ) I locked the bird in my room, ran and got the pool net and returned with Rue AND the Net.

I opened the door wide, let Rue chase the bird, got him in the air and caught him in the net and flung it out the window... BOOM BABY.

I felt pretty cool I must say. And I know this is probably disturbing and sad to some readers but I don't real care.. and again.. I hate Birds.

Now I am deep cleaning my room, vacuuming, wiping down every corner..EVERY CORNER, putting clothes, sheets, anything that can go in the washing machine in the wash and sleeping on the couch.

Call me a worry wart? Lets just keep birds outside.. Or go camping and see them. Or next time lucky won't be so lucky.

Yes, I named the bird lucky.


1 comment:

  1. First turtles, now birds?? It's like I don't even know you anymore! Ha ha! Remember when you caught that bird in a net at the Ranch accidentally, and you BEGGED me to let you hold it? What happened? Did you watch too much Hitchcock? :)

    This was hilarious to read. Great story. I can totally imagine you and Rue as some superhero duo. I should draw that...
