Sunday, April 6, 2014


Oh hey there Blog!

Over the last few months I have been in math least thats what I call it. 

My type of Limbo is when I get so overly stressed with something.. usually online schooling. I can't handle anything or anyone I am just in my own world pretty much..

No I am not depressed haha! I just get overly focused one thing and can't fit anything else into my brain or I feel like my head will burst! It's weird. I apologize for anyone ( Especially my sisters) who have talked to me lately or have hung out with me..I promise I liked talking to you, I listened, I was just in a daze for a bit..

Thats seriously what happens to me. When I have too much on my mind I sort of just hide and close off to everyone.


 it's the other way around and I will act like everything it totally fine..Thats usually what happens with friends..because I feel embarrassed to tell them how stressed I am..I would rather be fun! 

But half the time lets just say I am awkwardly silent and don't remember how to talk sometimes too..


I should probably explain WHY I was in Limbo for a bit...But guess what! There is a happy ending! 

So as some of you know I am graduating early and have some pretty hard online classes. This past week I finished up my math online and let me tell you..IT WAS SO HARD. I hate math..I HATE it. I would rather write a 50 page essay than sit down and do math.

 (Im not joking.)

 So you can only imagine how stressful and annoying this math online class was. It's not just like a regular class that you can sit in class and wing half of it and still pass. You have to devote yourself to it or you will fail. 

Oh wait here comes the best part...

 Even if you have an A+ in the class but fail the final you fail the entire course

Yep. You heard that right..So lets say you are a senior ( me) and you do not pass... Say hello to being a SUPER senior! No graduating for you! 

Oh joy.

 So for the past few months I have been memorizing formulas and studying like crazy! Im glad I still have my friends because I was the biggest nerd/ antisocial person for quite a while. 

Just imagine me getting pushed in the halls of school because I had my math notes up to my eyes studying as I ran into people... I felt weird but I didn't care. I was determined to pass. Sorry if anyone tried to say hi..

If you know me I am always up for a fun night out with my friends so imagine how dorky it was when my friends asked to hang out on a friday night and I answered, " No I have to stay home and do STINKING MATH." ON A FRIDAY.

 I still get chills and nightmares. 

Im not saying that is a bad thing..

I have a lot of nights with just staying home but lets be honest.. If I am home on a friday I am either with family, sick, or doing some fun thing at home for the night..

Math is not my ideal type of fun.  Maybe for some people which is totally fine.. I won't judge.

And for the worst part..

 On the last day you get to go into a fun little portable with no ac and get put shoulder to shoulder with people to take your final. Can you imagine?! I can't even focus with one person in the room let alone 40! It was terrible. 

In fact let me just save you from that terrible image and skip to the end.. 


I literally teared up when I found out my score...I had to ask my dad a few times if I was really done with math forever just so that I could hear the words 


So you can imagine it was a good day :). 

To celebrate my guy friends and girls got some Ben and Jerry Ice cream and had a night hike up to a big look out of the city where we sat on blankets, star gazed and told some scary stories. We had lots of laughs and fun. 

I am just really happy :)

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