Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Moving, working, playing and all sorts of new adventures... to be continued

Well hey there fam bam, friends, random stalkers!

I haven't been very good about blogging...I don't really feel like I am even good at blogging..BUT I

keep having so many adventures and crazy things happen that I don't know where to put it all! It's too

big for the other social medias like Instagram, twitter etc. And lets be honest..Who even writes statuses

on Facebook anymore? My last status was like 2 years ago hah! Not than anyone even cares on

Facebook these days.. So I decided to just keep my blog and hopefully one of these days it will become

a hobby or click for me.. As of right now im too lazy and never have time but lately I have been able to

catch some more time and as of today I got up at 5 to go to Combat with Carly so I decided to blog this

morning with all of my extra time! Don't you just love that? I hate waking up late.. I need to get up

early every morning. Right now I am outside on my aunt Shellis porch at 7:00 writing this right now.

The sun has just come up over the mountains and the air is so cool and refreshing.. Boy do I love

Utah...Wait.. you don't even know I am IN Utah.. I need to fill ya in on a few things...

Long story short...I got a job in Utah, quit my job in Arizona in a day ( Im terrible..) drove the next day

to Utah and now BAM..just living the life. I love Utah. It is the best feeling in the world to be near

family every single day. I moved to Arizona when I was six so I have never really grown up living my

grandparents or cousins. It's a blast! Especially because I get a sister back too! I get to see my sister

Carly literally every day. We have gotten so close...and as the youngest and the oldest..we have never

really been close. She graduated when I was still in 6th grade or something like that ( Not quite sure

 because I can't remember. ) It's so different having a sister nearby and to always have someone there

for you. My sisters will always be my best friends.. But I didn't realize until they were gone how much

they mean't to me and all the things I had to miss out on. I have NEVER had a sister help me get ready

for a school dance or like have one of them there to talk about boy trouble.. I have just always gone to

my girlfriends. But I love that we are all so close now and that I am always talking to them! I would

rather Amanda and Sarah be in Utah too because I hate talking on the phone instead of person.. in fact

people hate talking to ME on the phone because I am so blunt and don't really care to put a devise up to

my ear and hold it there for an hour while trying to eat or whatever. Haha I don't know maybe thats just

me but I would way rather see their face when I am talking to them..Phones are just annoying to me at

times. ANYWAYS.. this past week the family went to the ranch! It was a blast! We headed out on a

Friday to stay with Amanda's in Laws in Boise which is always a good time seeing them. They are so

fun and loving! We stayed in their cute farm house for one night, had family over, and just hung out.

We sure love them. Then it was time to get going to the ranch! We left Saturday afternoon and made it

to Atlanta Idaho around 3 that afternoon. I always love the first day there because it's pretty much the

only day you can relax without thinking you ever have to leave..The next days you just keep counting

down because you never want to leave but it's not the first day anymore and will end in a few days..

Ugh.. my little cousin Eva said, " There are only 2 things I hate about the ranch...mosquitoes and

leaving.." Amen. I wish we could stay for 2 weeks! But we enjoyed our time there. We did everything

from, canoeing, swimming, shooting, games, s'mores, and all there is to do at the ranch! I thought as I

got older I would get sick of the traditional Piñata and the water balloon fights..But the older I get the

more fun it is to watch my own nephew hit the Piñata and all the kids! I love our traditions there :).

Because we are going to Europe this year the ranch wasn't ever in the plans for this summer.. we were

lucky to go and I enjoyed every moment of it! I guess because I am older or more observant or

whatever.. this year the family seemed extremely close.. Maybe it was because the ranch almost burned

down last year or maybe I just have never noticed because I am always out playing, but the family is so

 close and it just makes me so happy. I can't explain it well but I would notice how my grandpa would

always hang out with my little cousin Jace who doesn't really have anyone his age to hang out with and

is one of the only boys. My grandpa would take him fishing, had him help with the Piñata , and even

did the talent show with him just so that he would have fun too and remember grandpa. Also, with my

baby nephew Jackson there I got to see the cute motherly side of everyone. Everyone was always just

fawning over this little boy. They always made sure he was safe and watched..especially the cute little

girls. Everyminute of every day they were with baby Jackson playing with him. I think everyone loved

having a baby there because all of the kids are all grown up! But I just realized how much everyone

cared about each other. Everyone looked out for one another, shared food, played games, helped in the

kitchen, watched kids in the pool, and didn't just mind their own business and deal with their own

family and never judged one another..We acted like this big group of brothers and sisters. I would even

 see my grandpa painting rocks with the little kids and my nana doing crafts with them!  It was SO

FUN! I sure love my family..and thats my WHOLE family. I can't imagine my life without them..The

ranch is my favorite place in the world, but as I get older I realize that is is because my family is there..

It wouldn't be complete without all of those crazies. I am making a video soon and will be putting it up

on the blog! Be sure to check it out! Here are some pictures of this week at the ranch :). I love you


- Ash

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